There were many famous and important people who contributed greatly to society during the Renaissance; however, two figures stand out because of their lasting impact on the world. These two people were William Shakespeare, a famous poet and playwright, and Leonardo da Vinci, a renowned scientist, thinker, and artist.
William Shakespeare was a genius playwright and poet, whose legacy still remains with us today. Shakespeare redefined the public view of tragedies, comedies and histories in his time by playing with genre and revealing deep insight into human psychology and behavior. Shakespeare also created new words and expressions, broadening the English language by his contributions to it and by the beautiful way he used language. In Shakespeare’s comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare strays from the norm with his various audacious characters and bold ideas. In the play, Katharina, one of the daughters of the renowned Baptista, is very wise and witty, contradicting the view of a normal female character at the time. Katharina unwillingly falls in love with a man named Pertruchio and marries him. Katharina and Petruchio’s love redefines the public view of love at the time the play was written. Shakespeare describes their love as one that is wise, in which they do not talk often about love and other light topics. Shakespeare wisely juxtaposes their love with that of Katherina’s sister, Bianca who loves a man named Lucentio, who are the classic example of the expectations of love. Shakespeare continues showing the unoriginality in their relationship through their conversations. While Katharina and Petruchio sit quarreling over profound ideas, Bianca and Lucentio talk only about their love for each other. The contrast between these two couples shows that Shakespeare was not afraid to rebel against the norms of society at the time and that he was very assertive in his ideas. Shakespeare made history with his plays and sonnets by showing society the corruption in their ways and making them aware of the ridiculous aspects of society that needed to be changed.
Leonardo Da Vinci is known today as one of the best scientists, thinkers and artists of all time. Although none of his ideas were acknowledged during his lifetime, Leonardo created many inventions that are so important in the modern world. He sketched the beginnings of a car, created a parachute and even built his own robot from his vast studies of human anatomy. Many modern inventors are inspired by the daring inventions of Leonardo. His paintings such as the Mona Lisa have changed the way painters create their masterpieces. The Mona Lisa is one example of a painting that has been pondered for years after its creation. Leonardo painted in a cryptic way, inspiring many different interpretations and revolutionizing the way that future painters created their paintings. People still continue to question and ponder Leonardo’s beautiful and enigmatic paintings today.
Both Shakespeare and Leonardo share one aspect in common that sets them apart from every other figure in the Renaissance. Both of their works are still studied and marveled at today and have left and continue to leave a mark on people. Both Shakespeare and Leonardo helped redefine culture and serve as examples to many who came after them.

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