Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Personages Analysis Assignment Raquel G.

Raquel G

The two people from the Renaissance who have made a lasting impact on society are Christopher Columbus and William Shakespeare. Although these two personages were successful in two completely different areas, their achievements have had lasting effects nonetheless. Columbus “sailed the ocean blue,” and by doing so, he accidentally discovered a continent whose presence is dominant today. Columbus’s discovery of the New World is still known as the greatest accident in history. The unearthing of the New World had a domino effect, including colonization, the writing of the Constitution, and eventually America molding itself into the self-sufficient nation it is known as today. Another renowned person, William Shakespeare, took the world by storm in a different aspect, through the written word. Shakespeare added over 2000 new words to the English language, such as hobnob and equivocal. Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays, in addition to two long poems and 154 sonnets. Shakespeare’s writings not only provided lavish entertainment during the Renaissance, but also act as a piece of history studied by millions of people 400 years later for their deep and insightful depictions of human behavior. These two men’s successes form the greatest gifts given to modern-day society, a home and a language.

William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Christopher Columbus 1451-1506

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