Sunday, April 14, 2013

Michael Reinhart Personages Assignment


In my opinion the two most important people of the Renaissance who have made an impact on modern life are William Shakespeare and Galileo. William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest figures in literature to this day. Shakespeare invented over 2000 words in all his works combined and helped the English language become more recognized as a legitimate and beautiful one. Although his plots were not original, the way he depicted people was. One of the reasons we still study his plays today is for their insight into human behavior. Shakespeare is one of the Renaissance's most influential people because of his contributions to the English language and his analysis of humanity

Galileo also made a great impact on the modern-day world, in the sciences. Galileo re-invented the telescope, making him able to see so much farther in space than anyone else could at the time. He actually discovered Saturn's rings using his telescope. He also helped move along the invention of the thermometer when he invented the thermoscope. Mostly, Galileo is known as the man who helped the Western world to undersatnd that the earth moved around the sun and not the other way around. Galileo is known as the father of modern science and deserves to be in the top two most influential people of the Renaissance.

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