Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rachel and Tamar: The Influence of religious persecution in Candide

Candide is related to the Africa project, because a recurring them in Candide is religious persecution. As we learned while researching for Africa, there is religious persecution in many regions. Both the characters in Candide, and Nathaniel from the Poisonwood Bible are used to criticize the fanatic church members.

When answering questions encountered while reading Candide, a common thread is found involving religious persecution. According to Ayala and Tsipora, who researched the time period of Voltaire's authoring of Candide, there was much religious persecution in France at the time.  The Jesuits, as well as other religious groups, were killed on account of their religious beliefs. Talia and Raquel pondered the question of what motivated Voltaire's writing of Candide. They found that through satire Voltaire could express his contempt toward religious persecutors. Voltaire's motives to write Candide were heavily influenced by his need to express his feeling toward religious persecutions during his life.  In our research we found that the portrayal of the religious persecution in the novel is similar in the Poisonwood Bible as well as in Africa today.


  1. This was a great analysis of the Candide through a interesting comparison to the Africa project. Could you expand on the Poisonwood Bible parallels? There is potential for much more insight based on those two books read side by sideI like that you synthesized so many things from school- Candide, the Poisonwood Bible, and the Africa Project.

  2. Nicole Feigenblum
    This project was so interesting! I honestly did not see the depth of Candide before, but your project brought a more global understanding to the story. Can we see any comparison with the religious persecution in France during Voltair's life and the practices of the Puritans? I think that will call for a intellectually rivetting juxtaposition. The way in which you compared the two societies brings up many interesting practices from then until now. Keep up the good work!

  3. This was a very insightful piece. I enjoyed the way you integrated the different topics you learned about into one point. I agree with your point about Voltaire's satirical tone, but im wondering what other messages he meant to convey with satire. This was a great project and i learned a lot. GREAT JOB!
